Wednesday, April 3, 2013


A proud father.

Men are noted for child neglect in most relationships. 

But not all men neglect their children in marriages.

Fathers are symbols of security to their children.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


An overcrowded Accra central market

lthough government through  the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has tried  many  times  to get traders out the streets  of Accra,  the situation keeps on worsening.
A trader busily selling on the pavement.
When you pay a visit to Accra Central, you  w o u l d  b e surprised at the kind of  h u m a n t r a f f i c ’ b e c a u s e traders have virtually taken over the pedestrian walkway to display their wares forcing t h e pedestrians to also use the main road. 
It is high t i m e government  looked beyond scoring political points to take drastic   measures to these hawkers of the streets  by   providing them  with  a  market since the existing ones are already full.

Some pedestrians trying to squeeze themselves through the "Human traffic"

Monday, October 1, 2012


The study of the behaviour of customers towards a product is very important to the advertiser; that is from the stage where a consumer hears about the product to purchase, preference and satisfaction is very crucial.

One popular model that deals with the Innovation adoption by consumers is the AIETA model. This model was propounded by Everett M. Rogers in 1962 in his book “Diffusion of Innovations”. Rogers identified that, before a new idea is accepted or before a desired change within a social system is achieved, members go through a five-step hierarchical process; Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial and Adoption (AIETA).

 Awareness: consumers naturally perceive risk in using new products. They often times would not buy unless they are aware of a product’s existence. It is therefore necessary for an organization to create awareness on new products and existing brands. Current technological trends have made it easier for organizations to make their products known by adding social networking sites (facebook, twitter and the like.) to the traditional media.

Interest: After consumers  have been introduced to a product, there is the need to sustain the interest of the consumer to power him to take an action. Information advertisements such as “new Milo with Antigen E” tells the consumer what he/she stands to benefit from the product. This move helps generate interest.

Evaluation:  At this stage, the prospect consumer imagines him or herself using the product. Personal selling plays an important role here as a way of getting materials into the prospect consumer’s hands.

Trial: At the trial stage, the consumer experiments with the product on a small scale in an effort to become intimate with it and learn how to use it to his or her advantage. Sales promotion at this stage is very necessary. Advertisers must therefore create trial opportunities using samples in in demonstration. For instance, the “Omo door to door challenge”. 

Adoption: The consumer at this stage has accepted the product the product. He/she begins large scale use which hopefully leads to preference, satisfaction and repeat purchase. 

The AIETA model though widely used and seen as effective can progress rapidly or slowly Depending upon the product.

How the adoption model affects your sales and marketing efforts.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Advertising as defined by Belch and Belch is any paid form of non-personal communication about an organisation’s product, service or idea about an unidentified sponsor. Advertising in other words is defined as any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services through the mass media and with an identifiable sponsor (Bovee, 1992).

Advertising helps to create awareness, generates income, enhances sales promotion, sustain the interest of customers, establishes image of a product among other important factors for an organization. Advertising is a contributory factor to the success of most organisations.

Sometimes, one wonders why a big company like Coca Cola who has conquered the market with its products continues to advertise. Shawna Fennell referred to the book “Steal these ideas:  Marketing secrets that will make you a star” by Steve Cone on her blog page. The book discussed six reasons why a company needs to advertise.

A company continues to advertise to remind existing customers why they are customers. Sometimes, a company’s customers forget them and why they love them.  Advertising therefore serves as a reminder to old customers why the company is an amazing one and to make new customers.

Also, beyond the fact that you may have seen a lot of adverts of a particular product does not mean another has for instance on the creation of awareness of a company’s new product or change in price of a product.  Presumably, a twelve year old girl may not have heard of the company’s new product, hence the need to keep pondering their messages through advertisement.

Often times, such companies have typical commodities that can easily be replaced by another brand’s similar product hence the need to advertise to stay top of mind of consumers.

Again, loss of mind share results in loss of market share. Building brand awareness through continuous advertising is always very good way of sustaining the interest of the company’s customers.

There is also the case of building brand equality due to the brand recognition a company like coca cola gains in the event of selling the company. They would gain a better deal due the brand which has become popular due to advertisement.

Finally, big companies continue to advertise to appeal to a new market, inform and invite enquiries from consumers.

The above points clearly outline important reasons why big companies like Coca Cola must continue to advertise.


·         Bovee (1992) How Advertising works.
Michael A. Belch and George E. Belch (2008) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated        Marketing Communications Perspective

Shawna Fennel (April 2009) Essential Reasons To